
Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Orange Culture presents Two Capsule Collections: Elusive strength Summer's quirk. Both capsules were created in December 2011; both ready-to-wear collections were created as capsules for Fab Night out for vlisco and Beth Male Model search 2011 with Martini. This is the creative director Adebayo oke-lawal's second release since the labels launch in April 2011. Check out the collection below
The elusive strength collection was created for the fab night out inconjunction with vlisco. Fabrics include Vlisco, leather, lace and chiffon. The collection is about a misunderstood type of feminine
strength, a strength empowered by a woman's sexuality. It celebrates a woman who understands and owns her beauty and the power that it possesses, thus why the pieces are sexy, strong, but still very feminine.
This is my first time introducing Orange culture on I hope to learn more about the designer in the future. My favorite pieces from the collection are the trousers.They look very elegant. The Men's collection is  called Summer's Quirk is available on the Ciaafrique facebook page. To be  honest with you I am more in love with the men's collection. Its very chic. Check it out here.

Photographed by Benjamina (@vanitychaser)
Model : Kachi
Styled by BUBAAI

So what do you think of Orange Culture ? Is it one of your favorite African fashion houses? designers? would you like to see more from them ? Please comment and Subscribe to Ciaafrique


  1. love it!!!! quite impressive. two amazing capsules for a new label. thx ciaafrique

  2. 2012. il be looking out for this label. amazing start up


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